Monday, January 19, 2009

Weight Loss Update

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Post-baby weight-loss is coming along well. I thought I'd post an update on it. I found out, however, that even when I get back to my pre-baby weight, I'll still be 20lbs overweight, according to whatever. So it looks like I've got my work cut out for me. Here's where I stand from November:
  • lost 7lbs
  • 1.5 inches off my chest (.5 inches to pre-baby)
  • 1.5 off abs (that is 2.5 inches smaller than pre-baby, yay!)
  • 2.5 off waist (5.5 to go)
  • 1 inch off thighs (.5 smaller than pre-baby)
  • 2.5 inches off hips (.5 to go)
  • 1 inch off upperarms (.75 smaller than pre-baby)
  • .25 off calves (that is pre-baby)
So I am trimming up all over, which is nice. Some are way smaller than pre-baby, which is really nice.

I have a very good routine that seems to be working. I'm doing interval training, I ditched the running, I got bored. I do intervals every other day and on the off days I do walking or kickboxing. I also got Core Fusions Body Sculpt DVD. It is a total body toning that incorporates core work and posture in everything. It is tough. But it has moves for beginner to advanced. So I don't have to worry about growing out of this DVD, it grows with me. It has 5 10 minute segments, so I do either 2 or 1 everyday. That way I'm always toning something. And I can tell a difference. Every toning session is followed by stretching on this DVD. I just ordered the Pilates Plus for some variance of workouts. I get bored easily. I can't wait for spring to come so I can put Rhys in the Mei Tai and take Nadia for a walk. That will really peel off the pounds.

I am very careful about my food intake. I've cut all the bad stuff and am eating lots of fruits and veggies, with good proteins and whole grains. I've gotten rid of my after dinner frozen yogurt (I was really rationalizing that, it's yogurt, it's good for me!) and enjoy fruit instead. My milk production is still really good, Rhys still eats a lot and is growing a lot. I eat when I'm hungry and try to make sure it's good, nutritious stuff. I do allow myself just a small piece of chocolate after he goes to bed. Hey, I gotta have something! And boy is it good!

Here is a current pic:
Here is my last pic in November.

So that's what's up, or rather down, with the baby weight.

1 comment:

Bethany said...

You are doing GREAT!!!