Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Question and Advice...

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I have a question for all you nursing mama's (either are or have been), we have gotten numerous offers for babysitting the kids while we go out and have a date. Which is great, but Rhys nurses before he goes to bed. He does not nurse to sleep, but rather, nurses a little bit and then gets a bink and is laid down awake for bed. Should I try to wean that feeding, or just let them give him a drink of water and put him down like that? We weaned Nadia of the before bed feed for that reason, but Rhys has gone down one other time without a problem for someone else. There was a bottle (which shocked the crap out of me) and my own milk in it. I could do that, but I wonder what I should do. What would you do? This might be, at best twice a month. Hmmmmm......

I look forward to your thoughts.


Kim said...

Gwen has nursed to sleep practically her whole life and whenever my mom babysits (she's done so on a number of occasions), she just doesn't nurse. I wouldn't wean a feed just for twice a month. Seems silly to me! If he's not nursing right to sleep, I'd say he'd probably be fine with a drink of water or nothing and a rock before being laid down with his pacifier.

Maybe you could let the babysitter try one of the above methods the first time and if that doesn't work, you could wean that feed?

Brandy said...

I was going to say what Kim did, maybe he won't need it for that person.

BUT you could also do afternoon dates, during/around playtimes?

Shannon said...

AK goes to sleep for Chad without nursing, and nurses to sleep for me. I wouldn't get rid of a feeding just for that reason either.

Rachel F. said...

I agree. I wouldn't wean that session just to go out once or twice a month if you're not really ready to stop yet. Give it a go with someone else and see what happens. Since he's a year old (yikes!) it's not like he needs the nutrition from it.

Sarah said...

I disagree about him not needing the nutrition, but I agree about everything else.

I would try him out with the babysitter and see how he does. If he does great then that's fine. If he doesn't, then I would plan on being there at that time and going out at another time when he wouldn't need to deal with that.

Rachel F. said...

Well, not that he doesn't need the nutrition--what I meant is that since he's eating solid food now, it's not his only source of nutrition and he's not going to get sick and waste away from missing one bedtime nursing. :)