Sunday, September 03, 2006

Alot has happened

Alot has happened since my last post. My great aunt died on monday. I got the call monday evening, packed and was on my way with baby tuesday morning. Finances being as they are hubby couldn't go. But I thought I was picking up my mother so I'd have help with the baby. The trip is eight hours. Mom is halfway. Got a call almost to my mother's that the funeral was changed to friday of this week. WHAT!?? GRRRRR. What do I do now? Mom decides not to go, leaving me with sole care of baby all week. I decide to go the whole way in, stay the week till the funeral, leave from funeral to stay at mom's and then come back on saturday to home. I stayed with my inlaws. It was bittersweet. I did better than I thought I would and learned somethings about myself. I didn't know just what I was capable of. I basically took care of Nadia by myself for a week. It was tiring, but I did it. By the grace of God I did it. The funeral was short and sweet, but a tribute to her life and to God's work in her life. It was good. I got to visit with my brother, of whom I didn't know how much I missed till I saw him. I wish we lived closer. Had a good visit with my mother, just some girl time. Which I think was good seeing as how they will be moving down to NM in the next two weeks and I don't know when we will see them again. Saw my great uncle. He looks so frail. He devoted the past, oh, 8 years to taking care of his wife. They never had any children. But they were devoted to each other. I will miss Aunt Tooldie. Her actual name was Thelma, I don't know how it got changed to Tooldie. For a while we just called them Aunt and Unk. But everyone knew who you were talking about.

It's September. Andrew had a New Years Wish this past new years, and that was to not spend another new years in this house. It seems we will. Oh dear. I am kinda down about this finding a church thing. Maybe it's just being tired or something, but I'm just down. I want to find a church I want to be 'planted'. I just want to be done with this process. I want to be where God wants us to be. Yeah yeah yeah I know, I'm right where God wants us to be. I know. But you know what I mean. I'm just sad. I'm just...I don't know what I am.

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