Thursday, July 06, 2006


I thought I'd post before I leave to go home today. I'm at work. My one day in the office.

I am so very discouraged today. I think hubby is too. It seems like there are so many strikes against us in this search for a church. If there is a need for pastors, we sure don't see it!! No one seems to want us. The Pastoral Assessment Committee for the EC church was cancelled in August for lack of interest. So it looks like January, now. I am brought low. I am sad. It might be that third chocolate chip cookie I had at lunch. It might be that I haven't had any fruit today. It might be just hormones!

The Jerusalem Diet seems to be working. I've lost three pounds so far. And I've been on it about three weeks. It's going well.

Lord we are dry. We are discouraged. The life within us is gone. Revive us again. Show us that You are working. Please send us some light. We are so low right now.

Other than that, it's a nice day, couldn't ask for a better day.

Baby's schedule is all messed up. I'm trying to push her naps later. And she has been showing she could stay up later, but I don't want to mess with it. I don't want to get her too sleepy and then she'll not sleep at all. She's been getting up earlier and earlier. GRRRR. She does that from time to time. But at least she didn't get up at 4.30 screaming, like she does sometimes.

If anyone reads this, please pray for my husband and I. We are so very discouraged right now. I was so idyllic about finding a church, but it's not as rosy colored as I thought it would be. Part of me just wants to say, forget it!! Just forget it! No one cares, why should we?!

I think I just need some sunshine, sleep and veggies.

And prayer, I need lots of prayer.

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